

12/28/2010 11:34

Friends of Fred<6>


Dear Mr. Dier -- Dubya's not a conservative. Anything but! Can't imagine what he's done to give you that idea, despite labeling himself as a

"compassionate conservative." True, he likes Godly things and is anti-choice, but, really, almost everything he's done ('cept for appointing

a few judges and cutting taxes -- which he and his party were unable to make permanent) has been Outlook 2010 is convenient!

from the Big Government/Big Spending

Songbook. He's a bigger spender than LBJ or Bill Clinton, and that doesn't count defense; he caved on everything from education to

prescriptions, didn't push for ANWR or reforming government waste. Conservative? You can't be serious...

GOP Terror Tactics, you say? That's a laugh, and I'm NOT a Republican!

Its "promotion of terror?" Can you say JFK-fuel bombing plot? Or Fort Dix Islamic crazies? And that's just the last week or so.

His Democrat candidates in contrast to Bush? As awful a president as he is, I sure hope none of them win the White House! And, don't you just

love Hillary R. Clinton paraphrasing Karl Marx?

As an independent Independent, I detest the Republican wimpiness nearly as much as the socialists on the other side of the aisle, and view so

much of this crap as the consummate "effort in futility."

p>Yet, like so many others, we persist in seeking something better. As of right now, Rudy Giuliani appears to be the ONLY option -- the only

guy strong enough to straighten up this mess we're in. I hope. And pray. br> -- Geoff Brandt /p> p> JIMMY'S BS DEGREE br> Re: Mark Fallert's

letter to the Editor (under "Can Fred Be The One?") in Reader Mail's Frothy Musical Numbers : /p>

Contrary to popular myth (spread in part by the very subject of the myth), Jimmy Carter was never Windows 7 is inexpensive and helpful.

a "nuclear" scientist, and probably not a

scientist at all. He did graduate from the Naval Academy with an "unspecified" BS degree. Even Carter's own bio web page(s) don't specify

what the degree was. He did serve as a surface warfare officer and volunteered for submarines, but BEFORE there was a nuclear Navy. While he

did interview for and did attend some Nuclear Power school courses, he ended up leaving the Navy prior to commanding a nuclear submarine.

Carter left the Navy circa 1953 and the USS Nautilus wasn't even commissioned until about 1955. For more precise info, do a web search. I

just found this page , which talks to the subject. br> -- Karl F Auerbach br> Eden, Utah br> (MS in Nuclear Engineering, BTW) /p>


12/28/2010 11:33

Friends of Fred<5>


Bill Clinton's eight years of willful and cowardly neglect to the threats of radical Islam does not register with Mr. Dier and his ilk, hence

the "Eight Blind Mice" are able to cobble an intellectually bankrupt version of recent historical events, with no fear that the Roger Dier's Office 2007 key is available here.

of the party, or the MSM for that matter, will call them on it.

p>Same with Mr. Dier's cherished notion of "international alliances" as the solution to world events. The eighteen member coalition President

Bush put together on the Iraq War is a fact ignored by Mr. Dier and Democrats, or, demeaned by fools like John Kerry. All the while, Mr. Office 2007 download is on sale now!

Dier's cherished U.N., France, Germany and Russia, were bribed into standing idle by Saddam's petrol-dollars, as Saddam butchered his nation.

The fact that the U.N. stands idly by now, while millions suffer in Darfur, speaks volumes to the empty rhetoric of the Dier's in this world. By using Office 2010 Professional, you can save your money and time.

The "Eight Blind Mice" must have a good belly laugh after each debate knowing that the Roger Dier's are firmly entrenched in the Democrat

Party. br> -- A. DiPentima /p>

As frustrated as I am with "W" and his administration, I am also frustrated with my fellow conservatives and Republicans. Far too many Microsoft outlook is great!

letters and comments are coming from the left that are pure slander and we are letting them go unanswered or countered with tepid replies We

have a prime example in the letter Roger Dier spit out at TAS .

In the space of five short paragraphs, Dier asserts: 1.) 9/11 was completely Bush's fault and not Clinton's, 2.) "terrorism" is just as

phony, made up issue Republicans use as a tool for to scare the electorate and win elections. 3.) I love Office 2010 !

Bush and company would rather fight a war

than improve the quality of life at home 4.) Bush was a "go it alone" cowboy full of belligerence and bravado who did nothing to build strong

international alliances to fight terrorists. And 5.) terrorism has spread because Bush provoked it.

The odd thing about liberals is they think if they say something four or five times then it must be true. They'll rewrite history and teach

it to our children as fact. And what do we do? We think that if we jettison Bush or any other Microsoft Office 2010 is so great!

conservative under attack then our problems

goes away. Fat chance. When has that ever worked?

As far as liberals and a good chunk of the public go, Bush is just a piece cut from the same conservative cloth as all of us. The "sins' of

Bush are our "transgressions" -- manifestations of our "black souls." There is foolish talk about campaigning "post Bush." If we let these

toxic lies go we will never hear the end of it. The left forgets and forgives nothing.Acrobat 9

We have to defend our past -- not uncritically -- but stand our ground. We have to continually tell the public who we are and what we

believe. And in the face of potential reprisal, we have to point out our opponents and tell everyone precisely what they are about.

p>In my twenty-seven years of being a conservative, one of the essential things I have learned is that if we don't fight for our vision for adobe Acrobat

America no one else will. If we don't ask, we don't get. No one will admit us to the forum just because we exist. "Diversity" doesn't mean us

until we demand a place at the table. br> -- Michael Wm. Dooley br> Indianapolis, Indiana /p>


12/18/2010 09:03

Are New Yorkers Sicker Than Patients in Atlanta--or Are They Just More Likely To Be Diagnosed? <16>


The boss like fernando, like hell will work for, he more worthy of your trust and the doctor?

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12/18/2010 09:02

Are New Yorkers Sicker Than Patients in Atlanta--or Are They Just More Likely To Be Diagnosed? <15>


Usually, the workers pay an extra work overtime, they were very boring, not = fulfilling job, but to -

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Thank you bite in gender discrimination softening I leave you, maggie. No simple mind. It is human nature. so I love Office 2010 !

Is a nurse and documents, and that is why we inserted a productivity factors. Outlook 2010 is powerful.

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Federal model of productivity "deformation will produce result". This should scare even maggie.

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12/18/2010 09:00

Are New Yorkers Sicker Than Patients in Atlanta--or Are They Just More Likely To Be Diagnosed? <14>


There are no simple answers the question, but its is the innovation argument, here are some observation: Office 2007 key is available here.

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MDasHell (everyone HeJinFa, I will come back to other opinions. Windows 7 is the best.


You write it -- "ah... unexpected matchmaking: margalit and MDasHell one side and maggie and nate in another"

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According to your views and MDasHell:

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forty and female doctor

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MDasHell "energizer rabbit" examples, the young nurse is really simple, let alone - sex discrimination reasons you outline.

- yes, it's not so hard working at night to wage. Factors

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Jd and MDasHell - yes, with company executives and managers, work over - a no overtime wages Microsoft Office is helpful.

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And improve their careers. As. Points out, "the system has lasted for most of the best companies in the United States and in Microsoft Office 2007 is the best invention in the world.

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12/18/2010 08:59

Are New Yorkers Sicker Than Patients in Atlanta--or Are They Just More Likely To Be Diagnosed? 11


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12/18/2010 08:56

Are New Yorkers Sicker Than Patients in Atlanta--or Are They Just More Likely To Be Diagnosed? <12>


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12/18/2010 08:54

Are New Yorkers Sicker Than Patients in Atlanta--or Are They Just More Likely To Be Diagnosed? 13


I have more than 20 years of medical material support.

In the system the only fly in the ointment is people a vacation or use the money to buy a new car, Office 2010 is powerful!

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This is a very good and interesting article. So the medical service, the problem is complicated and integrated.

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Usually more than from utilization, excessive use of diagnostic imaging. There should be a disadvantage the economic consequences of the doctor Office 2007 key is very convenient!

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12/18/2010 08:51

Are New Yorkers Sicker Than Patients in Atlanta--or Are They Just More Likely To Be Diagnosed? <11>


I have more than 20 years of medical material support.

In the system the only fly in the ointment is people a vacation or use the money to buy a new car, Office 2010 is powerful!

rather than saving it.

This is a very good and interesting article. So the medical service, the problem is complicated and integrated.

The state of the art definition and quantitative risk around still has a long way to go. For a given individual, I think it would be I love Office 2010 !

Help to complete a comprehensive health risk assessment questionnaire. The doctor's prescription drugs history, if any, will also be useful. I Microsoft Office 2010 is the best software in the world.

Agree, it also suit reading about measurable metric like ejection fraction for CHF patients. The risk score will

Also want to adjust each year as the patient's history will development.

We need some consensus what is the definition of a conventional body from according to age, sex, Office 2007 is so powerful.

how often do patients

Should have a physical according to age. In my boss, it consists of a series of blood, urine chemistry, chest X-ray, perhaps each

Other year, an ekg, hearing and visual test, test and lung function the fecal slides. Pressure test is allowed if need not appropriate. The doctor

Also own test. Some people, including myself, decline some of them, because we deal with them to other places or (e.g. by another way Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

Colonoscopy at appropriate intervals). Microsoft Office 2007 can give you more convenient life.

Routine examination by doctors would find hypertension. The blood tests will decide if blood sugar and cholesterol leels suggest diabetes Microsoft Office is my best friend.

And/or heart disease risk. Heart of electrocardiogram can find out the relevant issue, but maybe not. Chest X-ray will find lung related problems. this outlook 2010 is powerful.

Ophthalmologic examination can assess the risk of glaucoma. Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.

Usually more than from utilization, excessive use of diagnostic imaging. There should be a disadvantage the economic consequences of the doctor Office 2007 key is very convenient!

Operating mode of excessive in this area. In exchange for make them such consequences, however, we need to provide them Microsoft outlook is convenient!

With real tort reform which means not damage caps but specialized health court, neutral experts to sort out conflicting science Windows 7 is inexpensive and helpful.

Claims, without a jury safe harbor protection and robustness is the doctor in the following evidence-based guidelines exist. Office 2007 download is helpful!


12/03/2010 15:53

Billy Mays Here...On Your License Plate<2>


Expect other cash-strapped states to follow California's lead.

Of course, none of this "revenue" -- an estimated multi-million dollar jackpot -- would go into the pockets of the motorists who will be Microsoft Office 2010 is the best software in the world.

forced by law to have their cars turned into advertising vehicles (literally!) for the pecuniary Office 2010 is powerful!

benefit of politically connected businesses.

It's yet another piece of pavement on the fascist highway we're headed down. Big Government and Big Business morphing into a single entity --

with the police power of Big Government used to extract profits for Big Business. Maybe we don't have the operatic elements of a strutting Il

Duce (yet), but the economics are essentially identical.

And of course, no one seems to be concerned about adding yet another element of distraction to Office 2007 is so powerful.

the driving environment. Just like the state

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private individual, do the same thing, Microsoft Office 2007 can give you more convenient life.

then it's ticket time (or worse). Let's recall that California is one of the most belligerently Microsoft Office is my best friend.

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The arteriosclerotic prole at the 7-Eleven counter spending his last dollar to play his "numbers" -- and the rear-ender accident that just Microsoft outlook is convenient!

totaled your car because the driver behind you was reading the Viagra ad running across your license plate… who cares about the human costs Office 2007 download is helpful!

or the damage done. Windows 7 is inexpensive and helpful.

So long as Uncle Sam -- and his new "partners" -- can make a buck. Microsoft outlook is convenient!
