
Through the file after setting, we make sure the congregation effect of different document.

03/18/2011 10:55


3. If feel "rapid access toolbar" the default position for each click little convenient, can right-click it, and from the shortcut menu is executed in the [in function below shows fast access toolbar] Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.

command. So, "rapid access toolbar" will automatically displayed in the "functional" below the position. 3. Then, in the pop-up drop-down menu bar "executive" data - > "blue data bar" command.

At this time, application "data bar" conditional formatting hind, can see the whole list of obvious data in maximum and minimum, need not go region.then data contrast see dazzling. Office 2010 is my favorite.

At this time, application "data bar" conditional formatting hind, can see the whole list of obvious data in maximum and minimum, need not go region.then data contrast see dazzling.

3. Then, in the pop-up drop-down menu bar "executive" data - > "blue data bar" command.

At this time, application "data bar" conditional formatting hind, can see the whole list of obvious data in maximum and minimum, need not go region.then data contrast see dazzling.

Common creation will let your user at the same time with different locations for personnel work cooperatively. Common creation function actually can be divided into two parts: using Web Apps Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

for common version of creation, stored in the SkyDrive document is through the Office 2010 client side accomplice. Specific classification is as follows:

Common creation will let your user at the same time with different locations for personnel work cooperatively. Common creation function actually can be divided into two parts: using Web Apps for common version of creation, stored in the SkyDrive document is through the Office 2010 Microsoft Office is helpful.

client side accomplice. Specific classification is as follows:

Step 1 if want to "home computer these four Chinese characters add such as" home computers (ji ā yongdiann: o) "form of Chinese phonetic. First selected these words, click on "start" guide-explore-design-grasp "guide-explore-design-grasp" combination "guidelines pinyin," take Office 2007 can make life more better and easier.

these characters combined into one line. Finally click "ok", get their pinyin.

Tip: about Excel and PowerPoint encryption process with Word is similar, Office other version of the operating and Office 2003 operating also is very similar, here not always friends are introduced. Using WPS words or Word's replace function not only can replace redundant Outlook 2010 is powerful.

paragraphs markup delimiters, web produces newline, meanwhile, can replace document editor of blanks, special characters, here only do guide, still can specific do please each netizen autor... Skills three: custom user interface


