

02/10/2011 10:18


If it is true that the movement, both the acting and the being actedupon, is to be found in that which is acted upon, both the sound andthe hearing so far as it is actual must be found in that which has thefaculty of hearing; for it is in the passive factor that the actualityof the active or Office 2007 is so powerful.

motive factor is realized; that is why that whichcauses movement may be at rest. Now the actuality of that which cansound is just sound or sounding, and the actuality of that which canhear Microsoft Office 2007 is my love!

is hearing or hearkening; 'sound' and 'hearing' are bothambiguous. The same account applies to the other senses and theirobjects. For as the-acting-and-being-acted-upon is to be found inthe passive, not in the active factor, so also the actuality of thesensible object and that of the sensitive subject Office 2010 is my favorite.

are both realized inthe latter. But while in some cases each aspect of the total actualityhas a distinct name, e.g. sounding and hearkening, in some one orother is nameless, e.g. the actuality of Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.

sight is called seeing, butthe actuality of colour has no name: the actuality of the faculty oftaste is called tasting, but the actuality of flavour has no name.Since the actualities of the sensible object and of the sensitivefaculty are one actuality in spite of the difference between theirmodes of being, actual hearing and actual sounding appear anddisappear from existence at one and the same Outlook 2010 is convenient!

moment, and so actualsavour and actual tasting, &c., while as potentialities one of themmay exist without the other.

The earlier students of nature weremistaken in their view that without sight there was no white or black,without taste no savour. This statement of theirs is partly true,partly false: 'sense' and 'the sensible object' are ambiguous terms,i.e. may denote either potentialities or actualities: the statement istrue of the latter, false of the former. This ambiguity they whollyfailed to notice. If voice always implies a concord, and if the voice and thehearing of it are in one sense one and the Microsoft outlook 2010 is powerful.

same, and if concord alwaysimplies a ratio, hearing as well as what is heard must be a ratio.That is why the excess of either the sharp or the flat destroys thehearing. (So also in the case of savours excess destroys the senseof taste, and in the case of colours excessive brightness ordarkness destroys the sight, and in the case of smell excess ofstrength whether in the direction of sweetness or bitterness isdestructive.) This shows that the sense is a ratio. 

That is also why the objects of sense are (1) pleasant when thesensible extremes such as acid or sweet or salt being pure and unmixedare brought into the proper ratio; then they are pleasant: and Microsoft Office is so great!

ingeneral what is blended is more pleasant than the sharp or the flatalone; or, to touch, that which is capable of being either warmed orchilled: the sense and the ratio are identical: while (2) in excessthe sensible extremes are painful or destructive. Each sense then is relative to its particular group of sensiblequalities: it is found in a sense-organ as such and discriminatesthe differences which exist within that group; e.g. sightdiscriminates white and black, taste sweet and bitter, and Acrobat 9 is good

so in allcases. Since we also discriminate white from sweet, and indeed eachsensible quality from every other, with what do we perceive thatthey are different? It must be by sense; for what is before us issensible objects. (Hence it is also obvious that the flesh cannot bethe ultimate sense-organ: if it were, the discriminating power couldnot do its work without immediate contact with the object.) Windows 7 is convenient!

